Would you like to get in touch?

I receive many e-mails with questions, suggestions and tips. Before you write to me, please take a look at the following information!

Submit comments and suggestions

You are welcome to send me information about Linux and Open Source Software. I then take a look and decide whether to post something about it on the blog or on my other channels. I also welcome suggestions for improving the blog or correcting posts.

Receive support

If you have questions or are looking for help on one of my projects, please check the relevant project page first or visit the Autodesk Fusion 360 for Linux Matrix chat room, for example, to discuss the matter there.

Steve Zabka

How to reach me:

E-Mail: info@cryinkfly.de

IMPORTANT: Spam prevention and control!

To all senders who…

  • unsolicited & dubious press releases
  • dubious links or sponsored posts
  • dubious marketing & SEO requests
  • unsolicited newsletters etc.

… can save themselves the trouble and do not have to wait for an answer. And as a reward, the domain will be added to my blacklist because I don’t want this spam. Thank you very much for your understanding.